Going into this weekend, I was already exhausted to begin with and the thought of a very long drive across the North Island only added to the load. Once again, I have experienced God’s provision and His sustaining strength for He works in extraordinary ways which are always higher than my ways, His thoughts higher than mine!
The retreat - a result of persistent prayer and planning. Allen has prepared us with readings which also allowed for self-reflection prior to the retreat. I came with expectation - to meet God (and the rest of the ISMNZ whanau!). After a very long period of ‘staying within your bubbles’ and ‘maintaining social distance’, it was refreshing to be encouraged in His Word and to fellowship with one another again. I was comforted by the truth of God’s nearness as we looked at Psalm 23. Desert or not, where He leads we shall not fear because He is the Good Shepherd. We also had time to look at how student ministry may look in the future and realign ourselves with what God wants us to do going forward.
He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul. Pslam 23:2