Some tips to help you
The more you consider your alternatives, think about what is to come, and know about why returning home is both similar to and different from going abroad, the easier the transition will be. Anticipating is useful.
There are many resources that can help you begin preparing for the transitions of returning home, reconnecting with friends and family, getting started on a career path, and so on. “Thinking Home” is important. Setting short term and long term goals, preparing for job interviews, writing CVs/resumes that are suitable for your home country, arranging referees… all these things will help in your transition.
Re-entry is a process that will take time, just as adjusting to a new foreign culture required a period of acculturation. Give yourself time to relax and reflect upon what is going on around you, how you are reacting to it, and what you might like to change. Give yourself permission to ease into the transition.
You will have changed, home has changed, and you will be seeing familiar people, places, and behaviours from new perspectives. Some things will seem strange, perhaps even unsettling. Expect to have some new emotional and psychological responses to being home. Everyone does.
Some linguistic, social, political, economic, entertainment, popular culture and current event topics may be unfamiliar to you. New academic programmes or regulations, slang expressions, popular culture references, recent events, and even major social changes may have emerged since you left. In fact, if you were still in your teens when you left, you may not have even cared what was happening in your culture. Your world was filled with the here and now.
So, you may have some learning to do about your own culture. The longer you have been gone, the more you may have to discover, and the more noticeable it will be to others that you are not culturally fully up-to-speed. Approach this challenge in the same way you approached culture learning overseas, with a sense of humour and an open mind. A great idea is to read online news and magazines from your country, even your local area. This helps greatly in relating to others when you return home, and gives you something to talk about.
Just as you had to keep an open mind when first encountering the culture of a new foreign country, try to resist the natural impulse to make snap decisions and judgments about people and behaviours once back home. Mood swings are common at first, and your most valuable and valid analysis of events is likely to take place after allowing some time for thorough reflection. Most returnees report gaining major insights into themselves and their home countries during re-entry, but only after allowing a sufficient period of time for reflection and self-analysis.
Quick answers and impulsive reactions often characterise returnees. Frustration, disorientation, and boredom in the returnee can lead to behaviour that is incomprehensible to family and friends. Take some time to rehearse what you want to say and how you will respond to predictable questions and situations; prepare to greet those that are less predictable with a calm, thoughtful approach.
If you find yourself being overly defensive or aggressive in responding to those around you, it is probably time to take a deep breath and relax. It is tempting when asked for the twentieth time, “How was New Zealand?” to give an impatient reply, but the momentary satisfaction will do little to open a real communication channel. As always, thinking before answering is a good strategy. Even better is to ask about what others have been up to. Show that you are interested in their lives and what matters to them.
Showing an interest in what others have been doing while you have been on your adventure overseas is a sure way to re-establish rapport. Much annoyance with returnees results from the perception that returnees are so anxious to tell their stories and share their experiences that they are not interested in what happened to those who stayed at home.
This is ironic because one of the most common frustrations reported by returnees is that those at home only ask superficial questions (e.g., So how was it?) and want short answers. Returnees see this as a lack of opportunity to express their feelings fully. In such circumstances, being as good a listener as a talker is a key ingredient in mutual sharing and you may need to practise those skills upon return.
Making comparisons between cultures and nations is natural, particularly after residence abroad. However, a person must be careful not to be seen as too critical of home or too lavish in praise of things foreign. A balance of good and bad features is probably more accurate and certainly less threatening to others. The tendency to become an "instant expert" is to be avoided at all costs.
Keeping as many options open as possible is an essential aspect of a successful return home. Attempting to re-socialise totally into old patterns and networks can be difficult, but remaining aloof is isolating and counterproductive. What you want to achieve is a balance between resuming and maintaining earlier patterns and enhancing your social and intellectual life with new friends and interests.
There are lots of people back home who have gone through their own re-entry process and both understand and empathise with a returnee's concerns. Returnees may find it useful to seek out people with international living experience such as academic faculty, exchange students, Peace Corps volunteers, international development staff, diplomatic or military personnel, church mission officials, and those doing business internationally. University study abroad and international student offices in your home country may also be places where returnees can find support and empathy as they go through the re-entry process.
Source: Created by Dr. Bruce La Brack. School of International Studies, University of the Pacific.