Staff Workers &

Sione & Janice Naulivou
Sione & Janice Naulivou
ISMNZ Hamilton Team Leaders
Sione and Janice have two decades of experience ministering amongst international students in New Zealand. As an international student himself, Sione faced the cultural and academic challenges that international students face.
Both Sione and Janice have been with ISMNZ in their current capacity since late 2009, but were always a part of a key group of people reaching out to international students in Hamilton since even before ISMNZ was founded.
Sione shares, "By God's grace we were raised in believing families. We are blessed with three lovely children: Rachel, Timote and Tafa Rae. He has blessed us with people who care, blessed us of their time and resources to edge us on in the journey. We've learned The Lord is more than enough for our lives. We are continuing to learn to trust in The Lord rather than our own understanding, to acknowledge Him in all our ways and forever amazed at His directing our paths (Prov 3:5-6). We've been blessed being part of His family, privileged He enables us to be channels of His love and grace, stoked as we see the reality of 2 Timothy 2:2. God has greatly encouraged us, considering the little we do with the children / people He brings, yet seeing how God multiplies it, they grow and He does greater things in/with their lives!"
In addition to their service with ISMNZ, the Naulivous fellowship at Hillcrest Chapel. Janice works a couple of days each week as a Microbiologist for Global Proficiency.
If you would like to financially support Sione & Janice, please visit our donate page.​
Hamilton Team

Malcolm & Mary
Since 1987, Malcolm and Mary Elliot-Hogg have served through leadership training with WorldVenture. In 2008, they were asked to open a new field in the South Pacific, based in New Zealand, focusing on reaching international students with the gospel and discipling them so that they in turn can bring the gospel to their own people.
Sharing this common mission to disciple the nations, equipping them to carry the gospel to their communities and home nations, connecting and working with Malcolm and Mary has been a great blessing to the ISMNZ team.
Malcolm shares, "We've been working with international students alongside the ISMNZ Hamilton team since 2008 now. We enjoy the students and have made some wonderful friends over the years; and we enjoy working with the Hamilton group. Working with friends makes the job so much better."