If you are interested to serve with ISMNZ, please fill out the Expression of Interest (EOI) below. Please note: This is not a job application form.
ISMNZ Mission 
Helping international students in New Zealand become life-long followers of Jesus Christ, equipping and enabling them to reach their communities and nations for Him.
ISMNZ Vision 
All international students in New Zealand have the opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Students from many countries – some inaccessible to traditional missionary endeavour – grow as followers of Jesus Christ while studying in New Zealand, continue to serve God throughout their lives, and help many in their home countries and around the world become and grow as followers of Jesus Christ, thereby helping reach their communities and countries for Jesus Christ.
Expression of Interest (EOI)
Tell us about yourself. Please answer all questions.
Thank you for your interest. We endeavour to contact with you in five working days.